Monday, May 21, 2007

Tag: Seven Random Things About Me

The Persican tagged me yet again:

1. I'm mechanically creative.. couldn't be any happier to be that way.
2. I always find someway to amuse myself..I say people are just interactive toys!
3. My favorite place to be is driving in my car on the highway or freeway late and night with some nice music playing.
4. I'm a really really secretive person
5. I'm really honest also.. those don't seem to go together though do they ? but it's not like that means I lie :P
6. I talk a lot online and but not so much in person unless I really know ya :D
7. I overdo the smilies with chatting more then anyone else.. some people hate it but it's the way I chat!

My random jibba jabba is tagged :P

1 comment:

The Random One said...

over :o do :o the :D smilies D: ?! NO! :o NEVER! D: