Saturday, June 16, 2007

Vicodin here I come!

Ugh got to the dentist for my appointment at 10am to get all four of my wisdom teeth removed. Waited around for a bit and signed a form acknowledging all the cautions of anesthesia.. including death. I got called in and went in the little closed off surgery room where the nurse put two sensors on my chest, a sensor on my stomach(???), a heartbeat sensor on my finger, and strapped the arm for the IV onto the chair. It was wonderful hearing the heartbeat sensor beeping loudly and fast! Which made the surgeon try to calm me down and comfort me which wasn't working. He took out the IV and I looked away and he inserted it and taped it down..
While I was watching some show about Zebras the surgeon injected me with "something to relax me" which felt warm going in and just made my head feel tingly and seemed to relax my muscles. Then he got ready whatever he had to knock me out and told me he would tell me before it happens. So in it went instead feeling cold for about a minute then I just knocked out.. no warning.. no feeling sleepy just out in a flash..
Woke up with my mouth stuffed full of cotton and no sensors, IV, or apron thingy.
The nurse helped me walk out to my moms car since I was like a drunk trying to walk... and that's it now I'm at home in pain not able to eat :\

Friday, June 15, 2007

Out come the wisdom teefs

Well later today I get my horrendously 1 1/4" long and curved at the root wisdom teeth taken out. I'd always hoped that I could go throughout life without being out for any reason. The dentist made me feel wonderful about the whole thing.. staring at the x-ray and saying "wow" and showing a nurse how long my wisdom teeth are.. then she told me she doesn't know if it's possible because they curve and run right next to the nerve and vain in my jaw bone.. she then ask the nurse if they have nitrous oxide
She didn't exactly make it sound as if they're going to have an easy time. Though I'm mostly concerned with being put out. I've never really been put out except when my brother's friend knocked me out so it wasn't with drugs like this will be.
I'll be nervous when they're putting me out.. otherwise I hope it heals up good and doesn't hurt too much........................