Sunday, July 8, 2007

Well something's wrong with me yet again

I'm racking up a fair amount of sicknesses.. hopefully this is the end..
So far:
Respiratory infection or some sort ( still isn't sorted out )
Kidney stone ( got pain some pain from it again last week )
Pink eye
Open socket after I got my wisdom teeth taken out
Strep throat
and now!
Shingles.. something usually only old people get.........

It's a viral infection in the stemming from the nerves in your skin.. and painful.. It's on my back :X right in the middle so I couldn't see it in the mirror and blew it off as bug bites. Then it appeared on my shoulder blade and I could finally see it and didn't think it was a bug bite anymore.
Off to the doctor who had really bad vision so move his eyes like 2" away from me to take a look which was uh kinda of strange. He said it was too late for anti-viral meds so he just prescribed me ibuprofen 800mg and vicodin ( passed on the vicodin ).
Another doctor of mine recommended I still get anti-viral meds so he prescribed me
Valtrex D: ... I picked it up and told them I got shingles so no one's thinking I have VD..

1 comment:

DriedPapercutsAndChickens said...

good god what mirror did you break?