Thursday, September 10, 2009

Most companies used to not give me the time of day...

When you inquire to companies about commercial materials and process they tend to not even bother to respond if you're e-mailing from your ol' private e-mail.. and even then some really want to talk to you on the phone.. or fax stuff..

Soooooo to get responses and samples from companies for my snowboard project ( for now at least ) and well I buy stuff also!

I have a businessey sounding website with a few e-mails. I put up a simple page that says coming soon with the name and some graphics. Then I have an 800 number that e-mails me the voicemail and faxes I get..

Here is a semi-typical e-mail I get.. and you can see what kinda stuff is going on in my head kinda.. :

"Yes it is possible for us to coat 52100 material. The main consideration
when working with 52100 is the last tempering temperature. The lowest
temperature at which we can coat is 575F. Can these components
handle this temperature? Regarding the attached sketch you sent me it
is not clear how we would hold the part during the coating process. Can
you please give me a phone number that I can use to contact you for
further discussion?"

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