I get a ticket to home booked and dropped off to wait for the shuttle - or sit seems I was lead to believe.. So they're supposed to come at 0115.. but they don't show so I ask a different guy at the desk who told me I had to call and that they only take cash.
So he calls me a cab while I go to the ATM since I only have $35 with me. No dice with the ATM.. one I rarely use and the other I just got and haven't used int a month so I've forgotten the pin :(. Ugh now I feel stuck and there are no banks of mine in the area so.. I feel completely screwed. I re-book my flight and eat a $100 fee :X and the taxi shows up and almost leaves because I'm stuck on the phone with the airline.
I run out and no taxis is to be seen.. He then rounds the corner! which makes me just feel ok since I don't know if I have enough money. I ask if he takes credits cards (hey in LA they do!) "No". Now I think I'm really stuck :\ he ask me how much I have "35". He tells me it should only be 30. Yay! He gets me to the shuttle and we're at $28! I top him a few bucks and had spent two on a computer to look up the airlines number earlier so now I have $1. Which is my horrible tip for the shuttle driver (the shuttle place took credit cards).. That sucked.. a lot! One of my ATM cards - primary is locked from too many wrong tries.. on my other I have one more try... FAIL wrong for the third time that card is probably frozen! Woooo go Skams!
I still have my trusty credit card but having no access to cash feels.. really.. bad.. My flight to Vegas is now 20mins late.. (I'm going Atlanta - Vegas - LA!) I'd gamble a few bucks.. if I had any :\. If you've gotten a letter from me this has got to be dreadful to read after what's gone on with me. I don't know what to say my luck just hasn't been good at all lately. I keep thinking I've gotta win the lotto or something after all the stuff that has gone on.. I talked with my recruit awhile ago and asked if he's had anyone with close to this many problems.. He hasn't had anyone even close :X. Oh Oh kind of random and out of place.. I'm getting some fun stares - my left arm in between my elbow is purple from needles and IVs and my left eye has a burst blood vessel towards my nose right next to my pupil. I also have a wonderful raw rope burn on my left leg but I've got pants on so everyone doesn't get to stare at it like at basic. It's like 4"x15".. wait even better:

It looks worse in person.. my camera sucks
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