- Mmmm beef jerky - Tortilla chips - Peanuts - Cashews - Pistachios mmmm nom nom nom Five Things On My To-Do List Today:
- Call some friends - Re-do resume - Look for jobs - Work out birthday - Get some paintball stuff
Five Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire:
- Start a gun company :D - Buy a nice house that isn't too big - Buy some stuff for people and give some stuff to some people - Save my money - Sue California at every opportunity I have
Five Jobs I Have Had:
- Security guard - Directing traffic - Pastry cook - Army trainee - Personal cook
Five of My Bad Habits:
- Impatient at times - Wait till the last minute with some things - Spending too much money at times - Dwelling on some things (which is rare.. I really try hard not to) - Being a very closed person at times
Five Places I’ve Lived:
- North Hills - Woodland Hills - Baldwin Hills ... lots of hills eh? - Playa Del Rey - Ft. Benning, GA
Five Random Things:
- The ringing in my ear from a crap load of blanks fired right next to it has gone away. - I had some friend chicken today and it was delicious :D - I grew a beard for fun.. - - I need to take a shower.. ( exercised )
Five People I Tag:
- My Random Jibba Jabba - amirvero - Teresa! - uh? - PICKLE SURPRISE!
So tonight I go on a walk up around some hills for some exercise since my knee is hurt a bit and I can't manage to really run. I walk for a bit listening to my music up and around and decide to take a different route to walk. As I'm walking I walk by a lady and say hi as is usual where that a lot of people are out at night. So I keep walking and start making my way back to the house and run into the same lady again. I say hi and I barely hear her over my music say something more then hi. So I take an earphone out and she introduces herself and shakes my hand. They're 40ish or so years old and I say they now because now since I'm right in front of them I'm really not sure if I'm talking to a woman that just isn't very pretty or a what used to be a man. They're voice really doesn't hint at it either and as they talk about where they live and ask me where I do (and I'm vague as hell). I keep wondering as they're talking and try my best to act nice but not interested as they look me up and down very obviously a few times. They stop talking and I tell them it was nice to meet them and continue on my way a bit creeped out.
andddddd I was at this show :D right up in the front.. but you wont see me :[
I wish I could use one of these (It's a cattle prod) It's attack of rude self centered people/hippies every time I go in there. People just move into you expecting you to get out of the way and I've yet to once hear anyone in either one of those places say excuse me besides an employee. I don't goto those damn places just because of the people that shop there. I may step into one maybe once a year at most to look for some item and it all comes back why I stayed away.