- Mmmm beef jerky
- Tortilla chips
- Peanuts
- Cashews
- Pistachios mmmm nom nom nom
Five Things On My To-Do List Today:
- Call some friends
- Re-do resume
- Look for jobs
- Work out birthday
- Get some paintball stuff
Five Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire:
- Start a gun company :D
- Buy a nice house that isn't too big
- Buy some stuff for people and give some stuff to some people
- Save my money
- Sue California at every opportunity I have
Five Jobs I Have Had:
- Security guard
- Directing traffic
- Pastry cook
- Army trainee
- Personal cook
Five of My Bad Habits:
- Impatient at times
- Wait till the last minute with some things
- Spending too much money at times
- Dwelling on some things (which is rare.. I really try hard not to)
- Being a very closed person at times
Five Places I’ve Lived:
- North Hills
- Woodland Hills
- Baldwin Hills ... lots of hills eh?
- Playa Del Rey
- Ft. Benning, GA
Five Random Things:
- The ringing in my ear from a crap load of blanks fired right next to it has gone away.
- I had some friend chicken today and it was delicious :D
- I grew a beard for fun..

- I need to take a shower.. ( exercised )
Five People I Tag:
- My Random Jibba Jabba
- amirvero
- Teresa!
- uh?
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