Thursday, August 14, 2008

Random interesting moment

I will edit this to make it easier to read in a bit

Sometime last year November maybe while still in basic on the field training exercise ( a week

living in the field ) Me and this guy I only knew as mosquito got chosen to play the opposing

force. I got chosen since I was getting medically discharged and him because he had a hard time

marching because he was a really little guy.. hence the nickname mosquito. So what were

supposed to do is shoot at the platoons (with blanks.. obviously) as they stop for water on their

march. So mosquito grabs his M16 and I take someone's who's carrying a M240b instead.. since

mine had been turned back in. We load up some water jugs in the back of the first sergeants ford

ranger and jump in back.

He drives off onto the road where everyone will be marching and makes his first stop and pops

open the door and me and mosquito hear really girly pop music and look at each other with a

slight wtf?? :o. The first sergeant looks at us kind of embarrassed and seeing if we were making

faces and we just do our best to wipe the look from our face. We make a few more stops and

unload the water and finally get dropped off near a big water tank where each platoon will stop

for water at and where we will shoot at them. Were one the edge of the road so we take out the

e- tool and dig two fox holes and cut down some branches and cover the front area of our

foxholes so we can peer out and not be seen too easily.

I run off into the bushes to use the bathroom and hear something walking around near me that

sounds kind of big which I'm kind of thinking is a boar and kind freaks me out. I go back and tell

mosquito and were both hoping no angry bore shows up and all we have is blanks.

We sit down and break open our MREs and chow down since we have something like two hours

to go until they start passing by. Now it's starting to get dark and we here something in the

bushes again but closer this time and were both like D: what is that!? We hear it maybe 15 feet

away from us and were both sitting there quietly. It's creeping closer so I take my M16 and

shoot off a few blanks in its direction. I doesn't run off or anything and creeps around us for

another 20 minutes or something and finally leaves. We sit around for another hour or so just

talking and finally here the first platoon making it's way towards us and start getting ready.

What were supposed to do is shoot off one 30rd magazine from the bushes while changing

position a bit and finally dropping dead and letting them take my rifle check me for weapons and

crap and if I'm dead.

So the first platoon starts rolling around and me and mosquito hide in our foxholes peering out of

the branches we've put up. Half of the platoon goes and gets water at the tank and the other half

goes and pees in the bushes on the opposite side of the road from us. Me and mosquito decided

he would shoot first so I wait for him and he waits a good amount of time until everyone is

occupied doing either one of those things and starts shooting. The guys at the water tank huddle

behind it and the guys that are peeing are just yelling "WHAT DO WE DO!?" since they're kind

of stuck :D.

They finally start shooting back from across the road and since they really aren't getting close

enough to see us well we get up closer to the road to go and get shot so they can get us and go on

and finish their thing. We go up and get shot and they check us and their drill sergeant is bitching

that they didn't provide any security and ask me and mosquito how were doing and continue on


We go back in the bushes to wait another hour or so for the next platoon to come and this time

it's my turn to shoot first. So when we finally hear them getting close we both pop a magazine in

and chamber a blank.. I double check that I have one in the chamber by opening the bolt a bit to

see if I see brass in the chamber and I do so I let the bolt go forward again and hit the forward

assist to get it to close all of the way. The next platoon shows up half get water and half are near

the road doing security. I start to poke my M16 out of my foxhole and get some dude with a

machine gun in my sights.. flip it off safe and pull the trigger.

Nothing just a loud clank from the hammer but no one seems to notice the noise it seems so I go

and quietly eject the round and load another. I get back up and get the same dude in my sights

and take it off safe and pull the trigger. Nothing again D: just clank so I eject and load another

round AGAIN and can't believe it. Mosquito can hear this going on so he starts shooting instead

and I get up and start firing and it works for once. I fire some burst as I run around in the

bushes shooting at the guys and they start making their way into the bushes and kill us both.

They check us both and finish up and start on marching again and we go back and sit in the

bushes and talk. Next platoon shows up and now this one maybe 3/4 of them are doing security

on the road while the rest get water. There is a guy no more then 5 feet in front of me so I can't

move or anything. Mosquito starts shooting and I get up and shoot at the guy really close in front

of me and he panics and falls backwards and goes "OH GOD oh oh.. god.. I'm dead :[". A few

guys next to him start shooting at us with a M249 which looks awesome because it's lighting up

EVERYTHING. We run around in the bushes for a bit shooting and hear them saying there are

four guys in the bushes :O.

They kill us and spend another few minutes looking for the two guys that don't exist and start on

marching again. We go back and sit and wait again.. but this time my platoon is coming so I'm all

giddy. We hear them coming so we get back in our spots and this time 3/4 do security while the

others get water but they don't spread out much and are kind of far away from us. So I start off

shooting and they start working there way towards us. They go utterly nuts.. everyone is

shooting at us and they're using the M249 and M240B so EVERYTHING is light up.

I can see my buddy with the M240b working his way towards us in the bushes and shooting like

a mad man but were moving around so much while shooting he's always shooting in the place

where we were but aren't anymore.The idiot platoon ( Guy the drill sergeants put in charge of

the platoon ) guide decides to get a flashlight to look for us instead and the genius just makes a

nice target. We spend more time then usual running around and shooting at the platoon guide as

he's looking for us since it's so stupid yet funny. Finally my buddy comes up with the M240b

fairly close to me and I play dead and he's screaming "YOUR DEAD >:O"

They check me and mosquito and we hop in the back of the deuce and watch as they do other

missions and sleep on top of boxes in the back as the deuce follows them while marching.

1 comment:

The Random One said...

All that waiting sounds exciting... lol

This format is painful D: