Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tagged :o

I tag My random Jibba Jabba , amirvero , and Teresa
My uncle once:
Stole a car back that was stolen from him

Never in my life: Have I wanted to hike Mt. Everest

When I was five: Uh I don't know?

High school was: Pretty damn good considering I didn't goto a real high school.. Independent study was way better and took some college classes at the same time.

I will never forget: Ft. Benning

Once I met:

There’s this boy I know: Who sleeps a lot and watches.. is really quiet unlike his sister

Once, at a bar: Some guy was trying to hook up his chick friend and I turned her down she went like :D :| :(

By noon, I’m usually: Waking up :\ I don't like waking up so late

Last night:I had a Hawaiian CPK frozen pizza and a beer

If only I had: Business :(

Next time I go to church: Will be for my god sons baptism

What worries me most: Being successful ?

When I turn my head left I see: Blinds

When I turn my head right I see: Bed, tv, dresser

You know I’m lying when: You don't :P not that I lie about anything serious

What I miss most about the Eighties is: The crazy commercials and awesome toys :D

If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: Never read it..

By this time next year: I hope to be married and have a place :o business would be nice also

A better name for me would be: None.. I like my name and it isn't super common.. I've met TWO other people named Elliot

I have a hard time understanding: Coding.. C++ kinda stuff

If I ever go back to school, I’ll:Go for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! and for engineering or machining.

You know I like you if: I talk to you?

If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: My mom

Take my advice, never: When I'm being sarcastic? I had someone once.. I was telling them to put out the fire in the pot by adding more alcohol :D.. I had to yell at them to get them to not do it.

My ideal breakfast is: Waffles or pigs in a blanket.. mmmm

A song I love but do not have is:

If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: Goto my favorite bar :D and eat at my friends place

Why won’t people: Not be assholes for no reason?

If you spend a night at my house: I might make you something nice to eat :D

I’d stop my wedding for: an emergency like Godzrirra!

The world could do without: Bad people..?

I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: anyones toes D:

My favorite blonde(s) is/are: none

Paper clips are more useful than: tacks?

If I do anything well it’s: Research and brainstorm

I can’t help but: Pay attention to body language when I meet someone

I usually cry: When something bad happens..?

My advice to my child/nephew/niece: Think independently

And by the way:

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