Well I decided to take a few pics of of a meal I cooked.. I cooked some teriyaki beef, softshell crab, and tempura sweet potato, onion, green beens, and asparagus. It turned out to be too much fried food but tasted great :D I missed some pictures since my hands were covered with batter at times...
Started off by defrosting the random beef which wasn't too great of a cut since it had connective tissue right in the middle of it :X

I lazily marinate the meat in the package..

Defrost the crabs :D

Turn on my healthful deep fryer :D

Peel a sweet potato with my new ceramic peeler I'm sure I'll break and cut up everything with a small knife!

Boil the sliced sweet potato to cook it half-way so it's cooked all the way after it's fried

Throw the beef in the broiler since we ran outta propane :(

Getting ready to mix up the tempura batter with ice water I didn't bother with the directions

Checking to see if the crabs are defrosted
Fry up the onion rings and the rest of the veggies!

Take the beef out of the broiler before it gets all overcooked and put it in a pan to put in the oven to stay hot.

Happy happy crabs in the fryer!

Everything into the oven so it stays hot! and plates.. so they're warm

and done! It didn't come out looking too great but it was delicious! we had some dipping sauce for the tempura also :D

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