The Ivan:
The Christine + her friend:
and! The Jessica
It was actually kind of a frustrating day.. I took me about an hour and a half of driving to get Jessica and get over there to fish. The whole time the freeway either wasn't going very smooth or people were driving really slow in groups..
We got there at the last minute only to be delayed even more by cashiers that lack a sense of urgency.
Our day of fishing could had gone better. We watched a guy yak what looked like french onion soup.. and we all caught some rocks and lost some lures. Between the the five of us we caught two fish and the one I caught had poisonous needles all over and was too small to keep. I did have fun putting squid in Christine's hood, which she didn't find out until about an hour after we finished fishing. She of course called me and thanked me for her new addition to her sweatshirt.
I had to buy gas also :\

So it was actually a $138.90 fishing trip.. I got no fish but got to spend some time with friends so all is good.
I'm now thinking a cheapy used boat would be a good investment if I were to fish more..
Meow here are some vid as usual:
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