I tag Jessica..
How tall are you barefoot? 5'9" I'm a giant!
Have you ever flown first-class? Nope, I've had my dad wave at me from first class however!
One of your favorite books when you were a child? Some spy book I have with pictures of their tools..
A good restaurant in your city? Buko Restaurant click it!
What is your favorite small appliance? Ice cream maker ? though I rarely use it.. Now I want to
One person who never fails to make you laugh? Jessica
What was the first music that you ever bought? 311 or Aquabats maybe
Do you do push-ups? Yep
What was one of your favorite games as a child? Bubble Bobble I played and beat all 99 levels! crashed my firefox so I use IE
Your favorite Soup of the Day? Clam Chowda!
Have you ever met someone famous?

From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? Net.. the TV news is depressing.. You don't really get anything out of hearing about all this horrible stuff that happens..
Current worry? Just getting healthy..
Current hate? Neighbors.. mostly the fat guy they rent out their guest house too.. He's loud and thinks he's intimidating and parks so it makes it difficult for me to park...
Favorite place to be? My car
Least favorite place to be? Anyplace really crowded
Do you consider yourself well organized? In some ways :D
Do you believe in an afterlife? Yep
Where do you think you will be in 10 years? No idea.. I mean 5 years ago I never thought I'd work in a restaurants and I was..
Do you burn or tan? I used to tan! now I burn D:
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Optimistic! bad juju to be pessimistic
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? Stuff under my bed.. and spiders D: I woke to a spider crawling on my face once.
What's in your pockets right now? Nothing! I'm wearing scrubs!
Last thing that made you laugh? Something Randomness said
Worst injury you've ever had? Cracked my skull and my eye and area around it swelled upw with blood
How many TVs do you own? One.. and it's not in my room it's too big
Best compliment received? Not telling :) I got it in culinary school and I don't know if I've told anyone it really..
What leaves you speechless? Really stupid things.. I told a lady at an old job she had left her gift filled car open in the parking lot.. she told me she always leaves it that way..
What is your favorite book? Don't have one right now..
Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex? I cooked some veggies for my mom..
bubble bobble... :( eeww
Oh dear, what did I say? :X
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