A few days ago I retired my old buddy.. my Samsung SPH-i500.. it had a touch screen and stylus and a place to write with the stylus on it.. it would back sync itself on my computer and backup everything on my computer also... pretty neat phone but it was 4-5 years old and really lacking... texting was hard and it was getting disconnected more and more... so before leaving for Vegas I quickly went and picked this up:
This is the neatest phone ever :o I can let it listen to music and it will tell me the song and artist.. it can scan bar codes and tell me where I can find it cheaper online and locally.. plays youtube videos.. locates me with gps and will give me directions from where I am :o I cant stop playing with it :o
Again :\ filing a patent for the first time by yourself with drawings and all isn't the easiest of things. After I filed it I got a letter back saying the drawings weren't properly done.. so I re-do them and send them in. I get another letter back a few months later saying that I need to send in more drawings because I forgot to put "replacement sheets" at the top of the new drawings. I really hope they don't find anything else wrong but I know they will.. I foresee this being pretty damn frustrating.
Never in my life: Have I wanted to hike Mt. Everest
When I was five: Uh I don't know?
High school was: Pretty damn good considering I didn't goto a real high school.. Independent study was way better and took some college classes at the same time.
I will never forget: Ft. Benning
Once I met:
There’s this boy I know: Who sleeps a lot and watches.. is really quiet unlike his sister
Once, at a bar: Some guy was trying to hook up his chick friend and I turned her down she went like :D :| :(
By noon, I’m usually: Waking up :\ I don't like waking up so late
Last night:I had a Hawaiian CPK frozen pizza and a beer
If only I had: Business :(
Next time I go to church: Will be for my god sons baptism
What worries me most: Being successful ?
When I turn my head left I see: Blinds
When I turn my head right I see: Bed, tv, dresser
You know I’m lying when: You don't :P not that I lie about anything serious
What I miss most about the Eighties is: The crazy commercials and awesome toys :D
If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: Never read it..
By this time next year: I hope to be married and have a place :o business would be nice also
A better name for me would be: None.. I like my name and it isn't super common.. I've met TWO other people named Elliot
I have a hard time understanding: Coding.. C++ kinda stuff
If I ever go back to school, I’ll:Go for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! and for engineering or machining.
You know I like you if: I talk to you?
If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: My mom
Take my advice, never: When I'm being sarcastic? I had someone once.. I was telling them to put out the fire in the pot by adding more alcohol :D.. I had to yell at them to get them to not do it.
My ideal breakfast is: Waffles or pigs in a blanket.. mmmm
A song I love but do not have is:
If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: Goto my favorite bar :D and eat at my friends place
Why won’t people: Not be assholes for no reason?
If you spend a night at my house: I might make you something nice to eat :D
I’d stop my wedding for: an emergency like Godzrirra!
The world could do without: Bad people..?
I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: anyones toes D:
My favorite blonde(s) is/are: none
Paper clips are more useful than: tacks?
If I do anything well it’s: Research and brainstorm
I can’t help but: Pay attention to body language when I meet someone
I usually cry: When something bad happens..?
My advice to my child/nephew/niece: Think independently
Well with the new job I'm constantly tempted to just munch on everything. Really resisting thought because I now weight the least I've weighed in uh 10 years probably? (that's a bruise under my nail :P) Which I'm happy as can be about :D .. Few more pounds and I will be where I want to be just hope creepy stalker lady doesn't run into me much more.
ACHIEVED :D Today I went for a run and managed to run the farthest I've ever ran :D three miles without stopping. Feel really good about it and not very sore either (besides hurt knee). In other news uh the night before my ugh friend stalker person from this post ran into me again. She/it remembered my name and I'm siding more that it's an actual woman.. maybe now. They tried to talk to me and grabbed my arm but I told them I had to get home and they walked behind me for a bit (creepy D:) and I walked down a street that doesn't go towards my house. :\
- Mmmm beef jerky - Tortilla chips - Peanuts - Cashews - Pistachios mmmm nom nom nom Five Things On My To-Do List Today:
- Call some friends - Re-do resume - Look for jobs - Work out birthday - Get some paintball stuff
Five Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire:
- Start a gun company :D - Buy a nice house that isn't too big - Buy some stuff for people and give some stuff to some people - Save my money - Sue California at every opportunity I have
Five Jobs I Have Had:
- Security guard - Directing traffic - Pastry cook - Army trainee - Personal cook
Five of My Bad Habits:
- Impatient at times - Wait till the last minute with some things - Spending too much money at times - Dwelling on some things (which is rare.. I really try hard not to) - Being a very closed person at times
Five Places I’ve Lived:
- North Hills - Woodland Hills - Baldwin Hills ... lots of hills eh? - Playa Del Rey - Ft. Benning, GA
Five Random Things:
- The ringing in my ear from a crap load of blanks fired right next to it has gone away. - I had some friend chicken today and it was delicious :D - I grew a beard for fun.. - - I need to take a shower.. ( exercised )
Five People I Tag:
- My Random Jibba Jabba - amirvero - Teresa! - uh? - PICKLE SURPRISE!
So tonight I go on a walk up around some hills for some exercise since my knee is hurt a bit and I can't manage to really run. I walk for a bit listening to my music up and around and decide to take a different route to walk. As I'm walking I walk by a lady and say hi as is usual where that a lot of people are out at night. So I keep walking and start making my way back to the house and run into the same lady again. I say hi and I barely hear her over my music say something more then hi. So I take an earphone out and she introduces herself and shakes my hand. They're 40ish or so years old and I say they now because now since I'm right in front of them I'm really not sure if I'm talking to a woman that just isn't very pretty or a what used to be a man. They're voice really doesn't hint at it either and as they talk about where they live and ask me where I do (and I'm vague as hell). I keep wondering as they're talking and try my best to act nice but not interested as they look me up and down very obviously a few times. They stop talking and I tell them it was nice to meet them and continue on my way a bit creeped out.
andddddd I was at this show :D right up in the front.. but you wont see me :[
I wish I could use one of these (It's a cattle prod) It's attack of rude self centered people/hippies every time I go in there. People just move into you expecting you to get out of the way and I've yet to once hear anyone in either one of those places say excuse me besides an employee. I don't goto those damn places just because of the people that shop there. I may step into one maybe once a year at most to look for some item and it all comes back why I stayed away.
Wait that's not a good thing I broke it :\ I got a bit idiotic and overzealous clearing out some spyware and managed to screw up my computer a bit.. had to reinstall windows and ugh delete all the crappy pre-loaded programs that come with windows again.. I've managed to get it set back up to where it's decent but I have a lot of stuff to reinstall. Didn't really loose anything though really so all is good..
Insomniac with Dave Attell There is no show better I think.. He goes out and drinks, talks, works random jobs, and all sorts of other random things all at night.. late late at night. I wish I could find a clip from the show but there seem to be none online :\ so if ya see it on Comedy Central take a look :D!
Well Saturday my fiancee met me the oxygen bar to see my friends perform. A few of our other friends came to see them also. We waited and waited and waited for them to go up only for their "promoter" to go up and perform before them and have half of the crowd leave which royally pissed off everyone. While this was going on my friends energetic Russian wife could barely stand and went to sleep it off in the car. So my friends finally went up with half of the original crowd and all of his friends pissed but here is one song of theirs:
Dominic my god son was born last week.. he had a bit of jaundice and spent some time under some lights to do away with it then his tear duct became clogged and was looking at surgery but then it went away so all is well now and he is home with his parents :)
I feel like Patachouli at the bottom there now not that I really know.. uh what that is. Friday started off with me meeting my friend for some Mexican food and drinks for his birthday. Only me and one other friend showed and the rest of the people there were his girlfriend's friends. Then from there I went to a friends housewarming at his apartment.. I had to park a block or so away and walk down the street with a 12 or 16 pack I don't remember. I get to the buzzer where there is a couple looking going to the housewarming also. Were all confused looking at the names for the buzzer because we don't see the right one or even the number. We spend probably 5-10 minutes trying to get buzzed in and finally call my friend and he tells us were on the wrong side of the apartment place! We goto the other side and get buzzed in and I walk in put my beer down and look around.. I know no one that I can see. So I walk outside and make sure I'm in the right damn apartment and I am. I have no idea where my friend is or any of our other friends but then I hear out of the second story window my friend upstairs. I grab a beer and make my way upstairs.. I barge through a bunch of people to get in my friends room since he's the only one I really know besides the people that went to the wrong side of the apartment place with me. Got introduced to all his friends and just drank and talked a bit. Walked down stairs and grabbed some more beer that I brought for us. Went back to talking and drink then we all emptied out of his room and went downstairs to find something like 60 people all downstairs and all of my beer gone :(. Then one of his friends who's stoned and a bit tipsy starts talking to me and can't hold a conversation for anything. I actually feel a bit bad as she's talking to me because she really trying to talk but keeps going off on tangents over and over just making it strange yet funny. My friends re-introduces me to a friend of ours when we were younger and for the life of me I can't remember him at all which made me feel bad as he remembers me clearly. I talk with him and my friend while drinking for most of the night and leave at around 5am. I drive home and go right to bed.. Saturday I wake up in the afternoon sometime and head to my friends apartment for his birthday.. the same friend from Friday. My friend takes a Canadian shot that he promised to and had no idea what it was and actually does it! Snorting the salt: Taking the tequila shot: Squeezing lemon in his eye (we had no limes): Then he ran into the bathroom saying oh my god it hurts!! We spent the night drinking and playing battle of the sexes with three guys and three girls. Me, my friend, and theirs roommates boyfriend vs. my friend's girlfriend, friends roommate, and a friend of theirs. It's just a game where like you ask the girls a question only guys should know. Lots of stuff it turned out no one knew at all so it was full of a bit of fail. The cooking questions the girls however hated because I knew all the answers :D. Eventually their friend left and people started getting sluggish and passing out. My friends girlfriend went and passed out and I left her completely alone and was good and did nothing. I went to sleep on the couch and everyone else went to bed. Then in the morning I woke up to "WHO PAINTED MY FACE" :D. From there I went and picked up my fiancee, changed, and showered. Then we drove up to Solvang to meet my friends for wine tasting which was nice but we didn't get to eat and of the neat food they had up there because it all closed so early. ..I'm now a bit sick I think from just doing too much
and sure these music videos most of the time are a bit different but what fun is it to watch a band just play..?
/\ That's what the dentist office feels like to me when I'm there.. mostly when they're taking the dreaded x-rays. I think I must had gagged 15 or so times and yakked a little in my mouth today during the x-rays. So during the fun I was sitting there thinking I'd rather be doing plenty of other things I hate over this. To top if off I was short of breath which was making me gag even more and so then my heart started racing from the wonderful combination of shortness of breath and gagging. So I'm trying to relax and not gag while I'm short of breath, with my heart racing, eyes watering, and now sweating a bit. The tech was being patient with me and giving me some time to relax since well she didn't want me to yak either. I ruined two x-rays and had to re-take them then finally finished without throwing up thank god. Saw dentist who said I had one small cavity and needed a filling re-filled and that the fake part of the front of my teeth should get capped + a venier instead of having more stuff bonded on.. again.. I'm unsure about it all right now :\ just glad I don't need x-rays for another two years now..
1. Can you legally drink? Yep! and I seem to get carded more for buying lottery tickets then for alcohol.. wts
2. Will you be married in the next 2 years? I sure as hell hope so
3. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? Not too often really.. that's my job to make others feel awkward :D Last time someone made me feel awkward was at my friends concert when a friend of mine kept banging/pressing her boobs into me.
4. What are your least favorite school subjects? Math.. Just math really
5. Who was the last person you called? Teresa so I could give her her b-day present!
6. Do you prefer to call or text? Call as texting is a pain on my phone unless I'm messing with someone then I text :D
7. Do you have a pet? Nope
8. What did you do today? Called a bunch of companies about.. something! shopped, ate, and went to a bar/pool hall for my friends b-day.
9. Do you like carrots? Cooked ya.. raw ew no.
10. When is the last time you saw your mom? Few hours ago..
11. Do you believe in karma? Kinda sorta not really
12. Are you taller than 5'5"? Ya 5'9"!
13. How many city/towns have you lived in? Six I'd say..
14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Shoes most of the time.. bare feet only in the warm sand :D
15. Are you a social person? At times I can be but I'm quiet as hell for the most part.
16. What was the last thing you drank? Guinness! and my friend took a sip and cringed :D
17. What are your favorite colors? Ocean kinda aqua color.. and tan
19. What are you doing for your next birthday? No idea yet
21. Do you like coffee? Ya.. nothing like Starbucks or Coffee bean though. What I love and think is the best is Vietnamese-French Coffee.. try it if you find it!
22. Would you rather have money or love? Love
23. Have you ever sat on a roof? I used to a lot when I was younger. Was a nice place to relax.
25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Uh kinda diagonal on the bed I'd say
26. Do you know how to play poker? Uh not really
27. What are you thinking about right now? My neck hurting.
28. Any plans for the weekend? Cooking for my dad, his wife, brother, and sister in law.
29. What time do you get up in the morning? 11am
31. Do you eat ranch with your pizza? Oh ya with some sriracha also mmmm
32. Last person you IMed? ARin or MrFloppy
33. Have you ever been in an ambulance? Yep because I had a temp of 104.6 they whisked me away to the hospital where I sat for three hours before being seen by anyone........
34. Do you prefer an ocean or pool? Depends whichever is more private
35. What color shirt are you wearing? That gray static cotton color
36. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? In a Civic I think I was ok, Diesel Jetta oh I screwed up that car but did ok, Porsche Boxster I couldn't make it around the block without stalling in the car.
37. What's bothering you right now? My neck and eyes (squinting and I don't know why).
38. Do you hold grudges? Oh ya I'm good at that, I've laid back on it lately though.
40. Who's myspace page did you visit last? Teresa's
41. Are you a Lost fanatic? No.. I've seen it like once
43. Earphones or headphones? Earphones they're more convenient.
44. At this very moment what should you be doing? Reading a book
45. Do you read novels often? Almost never it's just not my thing. Technical books are my thing
46. What is the color of your bedroom walls?Ocean kinda aqua :D
47. Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth? I keep it running.. I also gag almost every time I brush my teeth
49. Are you mad about anything? Nah
50. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? I sing not obnoxiously because well I'm alone and I don't find myself obnoxious when singing :D
51. Last 2 people to call you? Teresa and a company I was buying stuff from.
52. Have you ever thought you didn't like someone, and then found out that you really liked them? Happens all the time since it takes me awhile to open up to people.
54. How was this weekend? Good the beach was nice :)
55. Do/did you listen to your parents? At times
56. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Took the battery out for a week or so and lost everything in it I had added for a few weeks.
57. Is there anyone that doesn't like you because of something you did? Uh doesn't everyone ?
58. Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life? Future relationships ya I think.. Life uh not really
59. The phone rings. What is your ring tone? Some strange songish ring tone I picked just because it's easy to hear.
60. Did you go anywhere yesterday? Post office
61. Who was the last person you shared beds with? Mah Fiancee
62. Favorite drink? Alcoholic - Long Island Iced Tea Non-Alcoholic - Thai Iced Tea
63. Does the person you like know that you like them? Uh Ya
64. Where are you right now? In my room
65. If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? of course :D!
66. Favorite gadget in the kitchen? Ice cream maker and deep fryer
67. Favorite pie? Tatin Tarte (It's apple but better then plain ol' apple pie)
68. How is your hair? Fine.. Shortish..
69. Where's the last place you walked to? Really walked to was the bar/pool hall
70. Last time you had a sleepover? Uh like 10 maybe?
71. Latest you stayed up in the past week? 7am
72. What are you doing? Typing this with my neck in pain
73. Have you been in a car accident? Nothing serious partly to do with my car since other cars seem to total themselves on it and it just runs over obstacles.
74. What is the last thing you said aloud? good night
75. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list? Mom
76. What did the last text message you received say? Work
77. Last time you went to church? 2 months ago maybe? I was really bored to be honest so I went.
DESCRIBE YOUR: 78.Wallet? A bi-fold with a money clip in the middle so it's slim because I got tired of having a huge wallet
79.Eyes? Brown with a bit of green in the sun as I've been told
80.Life? is good
WHAT ARE YOU: 81.Doing this weekend to come? Cooking
82.Wearing? Jeans and a t-shirt
83.Wanting? my neck to feel better
84.Listening to? nothing now..
85.What do you smell? nothing
86. Do you sleep naked? uh not lately
87. Do you like seafood? I love it :D mmmm softshell crab and sweet shrimp
88. Do you remember your dreams? Not often anymore the last one I really remembered was Randomness shooting me accidentally at the range D:
89. Do you consider yourself a study freak? For technical stuff bigtime
90. Do you speak another language other than English? Bits and pieces of cooking and bad words in spanish
91.What did you do last night? Sat here on my computer :\
92. What do you hate? Shitty attitudes
93.Orange or apple juice? Orange
94.Who were the last people you went out to lunch with? My fiancee we stuffed ourselves and she got a huge beer she couldn't finish :D
95.Last thing you ate? Some delicious hand rolls - spicy tuna, eel and avocado, an California roll. It was soooo good :D
We today me and my fiancee celebrated our eight year anniversary :D! Seems like it went by quick and kind of unbelievable it's been that long already.. So we went here : We were planning on going to El Matador beach since it's usually pretty private and quiet.. but the parking lot was completely full which makes me think it must had been on tv or in the paper or something. So we went to the next state beach down from El Matador which had a whopping 3-4 cars in the parking lot. It didn't have the caves, coves, nooks, and crannies that El Matador has but it had far less people and we shared a 100yd stretch of beach with just two other people! : No pic of the two girls since they were topless.. and laying on their backs... We just laid around and relaxed.. I prodded her to go into the water and she refused after getting her feet in and I can see why! It was way way way too cold to get in that water. So we just laid around relaxing and talking looking at the two people on the beach since they kept looking at us... and well they were walking around a bit.. topless.. Hey what can I say.. After that we went to Malibu Seafood Fresh Fish Market found on Yelp which means it's popular/well known which is what I don't like.. it was touristy also.. Food was pretty good and a nice portion but I don't think I'd go back. After that we drove on back home using Malibu Canyon as a shortcut which my fiancee just loved since it's really curvy and has a steep drop on one side.. After that we just had some Pinkberry which is over-priced but delicious! and watched a movie.
Went to my niece's third birthday at uh a petting zoo which was actually nice and clean.. and somehow not stinky.. and here she is in all her cowgirl glory :D
Next day my friend had a show at a bar/lounge so me and my fiancee showed up to see him and his brother perform.. My friend and a few of our other friends were the first people there and sat in the bar for a bit until they asked us to leave to setup completely.. and well so they could charge us the cover. The show didn't start for a good three or so hours while they tried to fix the sound system. I say try because the horrible thing kept skipping and ruining it for every person who got up there and performed. I bought my friend there with the glasses a "jack & coke".. that was really bacardi 151 and coke. Which I had to take a sip from because she didn't trust it. She drank about a fourth of it before she stopped because she was wondering why it was making her so tipsy :D. She passed it off to another friend to finish :( . After waiting forever my friends went up and performed and did great as usual with my friends wife energetically dancing along as if she was at a rave. They had a new song that I hadn't heard and really liked.. and! their last song skipped horribly ruining it so they just stopped it.
Next day I took a wonderful drive: to my friends house and played some guitar hero which I really thought would be no fun since Dance Dance Revolution is.. bad. I thought it was pretty damn fun actually with some songs I knew but I still lack the coordination to play games that like so I wasn't all that great at it. We switched off playing it since she only has one guitar and then I played it a bunch while she did laundry. Then off we went to eat some Hawaiian BBQ but instead got some hot wings.. Which were just ok for the most part. (I feel like I'm dragging on now) We went back to her place and sat outside and talked for a bit. Where one of her boyfriend's friends saw us and thought the worst and in a panic kept calling him at work. He was busy working and called him back thinking it was an emergency and told the guy not to worry. (I found that out a day after.. kind of funny I think)
So Thursday night I was off to this : Met a friend there to see one of our friends perform.. We showed up at around eight and the show started at nine or so and friend didn't go on until maybe eleven? So we had some drinks and nachos before the show started. The nachos me and my friend agreed we're some of the best nachos we've ever had. We couldn't put our finger on what made them so good.. I said it was that it seemed like they had a spicy enchilada sauce but my friend said it was the beans.. They were so good both me and my friend we're watching the show craving them after we finished the first. So I ask her if she wants more and she starts laughing saying she was craving them also... So we ordered some more.. Oh and um was an interesting show as some people were funny as hell, others just funny, and the rest you just cringed. My friend did good.. since he's normally funny but got a bit nervous it seemed and talked a bit to fast so some of it was hard to get but he was still good. (A blurry pic I quickly took of him) The one part of the whole show I thought was the funniest was a guy doing a magic/comedy act. In one part he needed an assistant who was of course a woman from the crowd. As he thanked her for her help and she was getting up out of her chair his hand was behind her and he yanked out a thong as she got up. She was completely oblivious to it and he turned around and started sniffing them and then sealed them in a plastic bag and put them in his box.. After the show we just had a few drinks and talked to our friend and one of the other comedians came and talked to us. We we're the last people to leave from the place and my friend followed me back to the freeway where her bad influence came upon me ;D and we raced each other on the empty freeway reaching speeds upwards of 65MPH!! It was a fun night
Here's how you play: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 10 1 people person to tag, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (You're It!) and tell them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you, so let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can check it out.
1. I cook without a shirt on a lot even though I always burn myself a bit with hot oil..
2. My computer is far more organized then my room..
3. I really think most of the time an idiot turns out to be your mayor and the smart guy is the garbage man..
4. I really like eyeliner on a girl :o
5. I wonder how my future is going to go.. a bit of uncertainty now..
6. I can always tell when someone is staring at me.. even in a crowd.. even someone behind me.. don't ask me!
7. I really thought I had strong knees and now I wear a knee brace :\
8. I feel like I'm really secretive about most things..
9. I can put together most things without directions.. my dad however would take ten times longer with directions and still do it wrong.. :D
10. Street thief is probably my favorite move ever
!?!!!!11. ok had to add this I'd like to be Thomas Crown someday :D ;D
and beef! Well I decided to take a few pics of of a meal I cooked.. I cooked some teriyaki beef, softshell crab, and tempura sweet potato, onion, green beens, and asparagus. It turned out to be too much fried food but tasted great :D I missed some pictures since my hands were covered with batter at times...
Started off by defrosting the random beef which wasn't too great of a cut since it had connective tissue right in the middle of it :X
I lazily marinate the meat in the package..
Defrost the crabs :D
Turn on my healthful deep fryer :D
Peel a sweet potato with my new ceramic peeler I'm sure I'll break and cut up everything with a small knife!
Boil the sliced sweet potato to cook it half-way so it's cooked all the way after it's fried
Throw the beef in the broiler since we ran outta propane :(
Getting ready to mix up the tempura batter with ice water I didn't bother with the directions
Checking to see if the crabs are defrosted
Fry up the onion rings and the rest of the veggies!
Take the beef out of the broiler before it gets all overcooked and put it in a pan to put in the oven to stay hot.
Happy happy crabs in the fryer!
Everything into the oven so it stays hot! and plates.. so they're warm
and done! It didn't come out looking too great but it was delicious! we had some dipping sauce for the tempura also :D