1. When is the last time you held hands with someone? A week or two ago
2. You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you would do? freak out
3. Have you ever crawled through a window? I think so, me and my step brother used to go explore houses that were being built
4. Where is your mum? MOM, at work
5. Morning or night person? night!
6. What was the last movie you watched? In Good Company didn't get to see the end tho :\
7. Favorite number? don't have one
8. Any cool scars? not really I have a couple of burns but they're pretty hard to see now
9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first? I've never really thought about that, but it's not like I have something set that I do..
10. What do you do when no one is watching? not much to be honest..
11. Ever been in love? Yep
12. What's something your friends make fun of you for? can't really think of anything :o
13. What is your curfew? don't have one
14. Do you talk a lot? at times but I'm quiet most of the time
15. You + alcohol = same person unless I've had wayyyyy tooo much
17. Would you marry for money? no
18. Could you live without a computer? for a period
19. If you could live in any past time period, where would it be? uh, i'd prefer not to
20. Do you drink enough water? nah
21. Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'em off? wear em
22. What is your favorite fruit? pineapple when it's really sweet :D
23. What is your favorite place to visit? I don't think I have one
24. Are you photogenic? Not most of the time D: I dislike photos
25. Do you dream in colour or black and white? COLOR
26. Why do you take surveys? Randomness makes me D: at gunpoint
27. Do you drink alcohol? yes! not that much now though
28. What is the most beautiful language? no opinion
29. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep? how would I know!
30. What do you like most; sunrise or sunset? sunset
31. Do you want to live till 100 yrs? if I'm in good shape
32. Is a flat stomach important to you? uh
33. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? off!
34. Do you believe in magic? nah
35. Do you like to watch cartoons? family guy and drawn together!
36. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real? don't remember
37. Do you write poems? not anymore I had one published in Jr. High
38. Do you snort? if I'm sick ?
39. You sleep more on your back, front, or sides? side :D
40. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? rott
41. Are you basically a happy person? ya just bored
42. Are you tired? nah no reason to be
43. Did you drink anything with caffeine today? nope
44. How many landline/cellular phones do you have in your home? 6
45. Do you get along with your parents? Mom yes, Dad so-so
46. Do you like/love anyone now? yep yep
47. What do you do when you're sad? sit around?
48. What do you need most now? something to do!
49. What song are you listening to now? nothing
50. What are you craving for now? sushi :D